I looked at my week in the inner city as a vacation of ministry. It was the first time that I was away from Lucy. I only had to do dishes for one person, and only had to look after myself.
Our team started out with Ladies of the Night, the ministry to the prostitutes. The first night was by far our best as the ladies were not expecting us yet. Our goal that night was to give a tract, invite the women to a meeting at the Coffee House and to pray with them.
They truly were hurting women that need Christ’s love and forgiveness. One women asked me to pray for more business; she was being a little cheeky, so I laughed and said that I wouldn’t pray for that, but I would pray that God would bless her.
Pray that these women come to know the Lord and seek to get off the street. I really found that I enjoyed the door-to-door ministry and the street evangelism. At my heart, I care about people and wherethey will spend eternity. I found that by just asking people if they knew where they would go when they died, opened the doorto a conversation about spiritual things.
It was interesting where the conversations went. I shared with them using the principles found in the “The Way of the Master” evangelism training. The highlight for me was being able to share with a muslim women.
The conversation went like this: She said, “I am a muslim: I said “Oh, I am a Christian, a follower of Christ. To which she said, “God canʼt have a son.
I said - He is GOD he can if he wanted to. (Which she couldn't deny because the Koran says that God can do anything.) Then I said - your Koran talks about Jesus being a prophet right? And she said yes. I said, And the Koran says a Prophet can't lie, right? And she agreed.
Then I said, Jesus stated, "I am the way, the truth and the light. No one can come to the Father except through me." Our conversation had to stop there as we came to the corner. Please pray for her.
The other highlight was our night to sleep on the street. We slept as a huge group so it wasn’t quite what the homeless experience, but armed with our cardboard box and a sleeping bag we headed out to sleep on the main drag in Pretoria. All I can say is the night is long, cold and un-comfortable. Tonight when you go to bed say a prayer for the homeless, thank God for your bed, pillow, blankets and the central heat that we take for granted.
To God All the Glory
Our team started out with Ladies of the Night, the ministry to the prostitutes. The first night was by far our best as the ladies were not expecting us yet. Our goal that night was to give a tract, invite the women to a meeting at the Coffee House and to pray with them.
They truly were hurting women that need Christ’s love and forgiveness. One women asked me to pray for more business; she was being a little cheeky, so I laughed and said that I wouldn’t pray for that, but I would pray that God would bless her.
Pray that these women come to know the Lord and seek to get off the street. I really found that I enjoyed the door-to-door ministry and the street evangelism. At my heart, I care about people and wherethey will spend eternity. I found that by just asking people if they knew where they would go when they died, opened the doorto a conversation about spiritual things.
It was interesting where the conversations went. I shared with them using the principles found in the “The Way of the Master” evangelism training. The highlight for me was being able to share with a muslim women.
The conversation went like this: She said, “I am a muslim: I said “Oh, I am a Christian, a follower of Christ. To which she said, “God canʼt have a son.
I said - He is GOD he can if he wanted to. (Which she couldn't deny because the Koran says that God can do anything.) Then I said - your Koran talks about Jesus being a prophet right? And she said yes. I said, And the Koran says a Prophet can't lie, right? And she agreed.
Then I said, Jesus stated, "I am the way, the truth and the light. No one can come to the Father except through me." Our conversation had to stop there as we came to the corner. Please pray for her.
The other highlight was our night to sleep on the street. We slept as a huge group so it wasn’t quite what the homeless experience, but armed with our cardboard box and a sleeping bag we headed out to sleep on the main drag in Pretoria. All I can say is the night is long, cold and un-comfortable. Tonight when you go to bed say a prayer for the homeless, thank God for your bed, pillow, blankets and the central heat that we take for granted.
To God All the Glory
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