Monday, June 29, 2009

Exciting VBS Ahead - Get Ready for Rome

(left: VBS workers learn song and dance moves for ROME: Paul and the Underground Church VBS)

My first experience with VBS as a kid was terrifying. Coming from a home of non-believers, I was sent with my 2-year-old brother to an unfamiliar part of the neighborhood largely, I think, to get out of my mom's hair. I was four and I went to the wrong house. When we finally arrived at the right house, we were late. Everyone was talking about this Jesus person, someone I knew nothing about. I left feeling pretty alienated.

But no one will leave New Life's VBS feeling that way.

Last year was my first experience with New Life's VBS and I was totally awestruck when I saw the amazing teamwork involved in the event. So many adults are involved that it blows the mind. There must have been a 2-1 ratio of kids to adults, or close to it. Last year, the gym at St. Mark's (where the church was meeting then) was transformed into a Jerusalem marketplace in just a few hours, but with lots of planning beforehand.

Marketplaces sprouted up, baskets, palms, and Bible time charachters made the VBS extremely lifelike.

At New Life, VBS is a special ministry for Alicia Hutchinson. She spends the whole year planning and preparing, and she has a special knack for recruiting volunteers. The entire experience is fun for all involved, and there are a lot of people involved. It wouldn't surprise me if there is a waiting list to be a helper because it's just so much fun to be involved.

This year, it's going to be very similar, only the theme is Rome in Paul's time. The kids will meet in the underground catacomb church, experience a Roman marketplace and all kinds of Roman craft places. They will work with metal jewelry, leather, scrolls and they'll go to a Latin grammar and architecture school - and lots more. They'll also learn what it was like to have to worship secretly to avoid becoming entertainment in the Coliseum.

Kids who come will be assigned a Roman family to be part of. No lost, scared kids at thie VBS! They will dance and sing to the absolutely breathtaking music at extollo time. And they'll be learning verses from -- where else? -- ROMANS!

I'm excited and it's still a ways off, not until July 20. Make sure to invite friends because it will be a VBS they'll remember for a long time. To see last year's VBS slideshow, click here.