Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When did "Church" become a verb?

I'm not "churched." I worship at church. I was never "unchurched" nor have I become "dechurched."

I'm not sure when "church" became a verb, but I don't like it. Someone probably thought it was more convenient to say "the unchurched," than to say "those who don't attend church." Still, both "churched" and "unchurched" carry a negative connotation.

"Churched" sounds kind of like "caged." You've been "churched," locked up in a box with a steeple. "Unchurched" is worse. It dismisses a whole group of folks who don't attend church for various reasons, casting out both the cynics who scoff at church, along with those damaged from abusive or painful relationships in churches, as well as those who grew up not going to church and never really thinking about faith.

Am I the only one who finds this term uncomfortable?