Friday, August 7, 2009

Choosing this day

What god do I serve when I'm not serving God? Two ways to check, I guess. I can write down my schedule for the week and see what I spent the most time on. And I can look at my bank statement and see what I spent the most money on. Those would probably give the best clues to what gods I serve.
Maybe I'm serving myself. Maybe my family. Maybe my house. Maybe I'm serving an image of what I'd like to be or wish I was. Am I trying to impress people by volunteering here, working there, buying this or that? If so, why? Is it because I want them to see how godlike I've made myself?
Am I molding a god? Am I painting myself, painting my house, chipping off flakes I don't want others to see so that this image takes perfect shape? Am I worshiping my car? My brain? My kids? My ideal of what a family should be? Do I worship my work? My status? My reputation? My church?
Anything that isn't God is going to be a huge disappointment. Who did you serve this week? Who did I serve? Was it really God?