Wednesday, February 18, 2009


More from the Joneses:

Wesley has settled in well. He is best friends with everyone. The food is still something he has to get used to. Pray that he starts to eat a little bit of it at least here pretty soon. Because our first outreach is called the rural outreach. No running water, no electricity, and campfire cooking. If he doesn't start eating some of the beans or pop, it's going to be hard for him. Because I don't think there well be enough room to bring along bread for about 60 people for two weeks. I think Sharon explained South African pop in a previous letter. If you are not sure what it is, then email me back. It's not a cola drink.

Also typical for a boy his age, I don't think there will be a tap that he has not turned. This morning he turn on a outside faucet ( they call it a tap down here) outside the womens' dorm and they lost all the water pressure inside. It good that he is curious but....
Irina is playing well with the three girls here.
Lucy is doing well and smiling at everyone. She is so cute.

This week at classes we did several things. We took personally tests (or inventories), spiritual gifts inventories, and did almost a 3 day overview of the Bible. Our instructor really emphasized his plan to reach the nations. It was very interesting how God had the Levites as the priests to the nation of Isreal. That part I knew. But the interesting part was that in the same way the entire nation of Isreal was called to be priests to the other nations around them. I have been munching on that one for the past two days.

We also are able to lead devotions if we wish. I signed up two weeks ago to do it this last Wednesday. I was kinda nervous but spoke about Psalm 62:5 - 8. I guess I did not do too bad since 2 or three people told me God used part of it to speak to them. God is gracious to give us the feedback that we need.

Tony and Sharon Jones OM South Africa TT Private Bag N03 Lynnwood Ridge 0040 South Africa.

You can also email them here: Tony OR
